1. Design For Microservices!
    • The microservices architecture has gained significant momentum in the last years. Modularity, scalability, and elasticity are some of its essential characteristics. If you have an open-source project, you should consider designing it to be microservices friendly. The market will eventually reward you for that.

  2. Configuring Remote Connections in Unix-Based Systems Using SSH
    • This practical guide will show you how to configure a remote connection in Unix-based systems. You will learn how to create RSA keys and use SSH to configure the connection from the terminal.

  3. Unix Cmd Hacks
    • Mastering the Unix command line can drastically boost your productivity and efficiency in software development. In this post, I share a collection of personal notes from the edX course "Unix Tools: Data, Software, and Production Engineering." This guide covers essential command-line tricks, from process automation to data manipulation, that every developer and DevOps engineer should know.