Peer Reviews

I’ve peer-reviewed papers for the following journals and conferences:

I’ve co-reviewed papers for the following journals and conferences:

I’ve served as a committee member for the following conferences:

Also, my name is listed in the acknowledgments of the following papers:

Thesis Supervisor

I’ve supervised Master and Bachelor students in the following theses:

  • “Detecting Semantic Changes in Dependency Updates Using Dynamic Analysis,” Leonard Sebastian Husmann, Master Thesis, KTH 2024 (ongoing)
  • “Evolving Trends in the Adoption and Effectiveness of Dependabot Security Pull Requests,” Jacob Jernestål, Bachelor Thesis, Mid Sweden University 2024 PDF
  • “The State of Software Diversity in the Software Supply Chain of Ethereum Clients,” Noak Jönsson, Bachelor Thesis, KTH 2022 PDF
  • “Using NLP Techniques for Log Analysis to Recommend Activities for Troubleshooting Processes,” Martin Sköld, Master Thesis, KTH 2020 PDF
  • “Interpretation of Swedish Sign Language Based on a Small Data Set using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning,” Gustaf Halvardsson and Johanna Peterson, Bachelor Thesis, KTH 2020 PDF
  • “Análisis de La Actividad Competitiva en el Juego de Polo Acuático,” Pascalina Stanislas-Inglis. Bachelor Thesis, UCLV 2014 PDF


I volunteered for the following events:


My work has been featured in the following media:


From 2019-2023, I worked as a teacher assistant (TA) for the following courses: